Fifty Places to Sail Before You Die front cover

From the world's finest yachtsmen's most inspiring adventures, the history of sailing, the most beautiful places sail to, to grisly tales of pirates' debauchery, these five books will keep you glued to their pages

two men and a woman smiling

Known as the 'crazy sailor' the late Tom McNally was a colourful character who set a new world record in 1993 when he sailed across the Atlantic in a 5ft 4.5 inch boat. Before his passing in June McNally had written a yet to be published autobiography. We caught up…

Jack Russell terrier Tara: the terrier who sailed around the world by Rosemary and Robert Forrester

When Robert Forrester returned from picking up engine parts in Miami he also came back with a surprise for his wife - a Jack Russell called Tara. Now the tale of the terrier who sailed around the world is a new book!